It has been so long since I last posted - sorry! Life has been crazy with house guests, a family trip to my folks' house, and more house guests.
I have been working really hard on several larger pieces, as well as several custom paintings.
This one still needs some small tweaks, but is mostly finished. It is a large version of my "I'll Protect You" painting, and I've named it "First Day Home." I wanted to capture the love and promise of protection from the Mom, as well as the little girl's mixed feelings of wanting to be snuggled and loved, but also still being really darn afraid.
First Day Home 15x19 |
This painting comes with a cool story. As some of you remember, I painted "I'll Protect You" as part of my Everyday Art Project last year:
In addition to selling prints of the little painting, I also sent free ones to a few of the families in our agency who had been waiting at #1 for a long time. Just a week after I sent one of the Mommas a print, her family got a referral for their daughter... and she looked so much like my little painting!
I was thrilled and honored to have been able to bless and encourage this family with my art... not even knowing how it would touch their hearts!
Once sweet Baby O was home, her Momma sent me a picture of herself posed with Baby O in the same way as the "I'll Protect You" painting. The picture she sent me is the photo that I painted from when I created "First Day Home."
Prints will be available in my Etsy shop in a couple of weeks.